Showing posts with label SCA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCA. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Remembering who i wanted to be

it's early July & once again i find my self with not enough time, not enough money & far too much anxiety about Pennsic, one of my favorite shows of the year.
I've been doing this show for twenty{mumblemumble} some years and i still haven't ever felt really ready for it. Guess it's true, some people never learn!
Still, every year i seem to live up to my ex-husband's observation that, to paraphrase:"every year you bitch about how you don't have any pottery ready and every year you then manage to pull an extra 20 boxes of pottery out of your arse in the last week before we go"
It's true, but it's also rather painful, the pulling it out at the last minute trick. Still and all, i guess it beats the alternative which i suppose would be not really having enough pottery ready for War.
and with that entirely predictable whine, i'm off to the studio to make some pots for Pennsic.
See you at War, or if not then, at the Maryland Renn Fest!
with love & exhausted, muddy hugs
~Va aka the mad potter wot posts at midnight

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Home from Arizona!

This post is mostly directed at our friends & customers in the SCA, since it's about Dancing Pig's first trip to Estrella War...

Darrell has returned both triumphant and broken from Estrella (a SCA War in Ari-frincking-zona)(about 22oo miles from Dancing Pig's World headquarters here in the hills of WVa). He drove out with our friends Jillie/Bran aka the wode monkey & perma drui of the bog & Fael/Wayne aka Khavi's husband/ some Rozakii dude who lives in Philly. They had a great road trip out-- apparently they watched both "Pirates" movies in a continuous loop for 3 days on Fael's laptop. Good times.

Dancing Pig's sales at Estrella weren't as good as we'd hoped-- it was a new site for the event & apparently the gate was down by 60%. All the old hand merchants said that their sales were down accordingly. But the folks were incredibly friendly & here's the best part: Dogs are allowed!!! So we'll be back next year! We're loading the dogs up & i'm going to actually make the trip as well. Darrell's still raving about the landscape & he really wants me to go out there at least once & i think i'll indulge him, especially if i can bring my puppies with me!

Darrell is still broken however, by the cold he somehow managed to bring back with him. It was very dusty and windy & D. thinks he got the cold on the last night of the show, when they had a "going away" sandstorm. So the poor guy had to drive home with with a fever & nasty cold. (Bran & Fael bailed out & flew home from Phoniex) So to make it home, D. would drive 100 miles and then pull into a rest stop to nap for an hour. Not so much with the fun for the poor guy. And sadly, he also managed to kill my digital camera, so no pictures for this post.

We're hanging out at home for this weekend, while Darrell is trying to recover from this cold & i'm trying to avoid getting it. But we're also planning & potting to get ready for Gulf Wars in ::eeek:: less than two weeks! Arrgh! Never mind taking it easy & avoiding the cold; I gotta get off the couch and go trim some pots!

See ya'll at Gulf Wars if you're going! (and you should go, i am!) Apparently Gulf Wars blows Pennsic away, so come play with us!