Thursday, August 31, 2006

Procrastination is a wonderful thing, ain't it?!
And now, i even have a doctor's note!
That's right, folks, i have a medical excuse for slacking off: Lyme disease.
Apparently, i've had this lovely tick borne bacteria making it's home in my body for the past year or two. Explains the lack of motivation, energy & stamina, huh?
Now that i know, i gotta take the nasty antibiotics to deal with it.
Yipee, a month of making war on my gut. All the little beasties must die- good, bad and indifferent.
But hopefully, once they are gone, i'll be back to my usual cranky but more energetic self again.
In the meantime, i'm sleeping too much and eating alot of yogurt.
And (yeah, yeah, stop nagging) trying to make some pottery when i'm awake.
Got another bumpersticker recently that applies to my life these days:
Consciousness that annoying period between naps.
Speaking of which, i think it's time for my post breakfast lie down!

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